There is no way around it… it has taken me quite a while to get to this place of knowing who I am and WHY I do ALL that I do!
First and foremost, I am a mom! Obviously, that wasn’t hard for me to figure out. It’s the next piece that has taken a lot of time and energy to do self evaluation and discovery.
I believe that “Connections” transform our lives.
I understand that in order for lives to truly transform, we each have to do the individual work of self discovery.
Who am I? Who are you? If we don’t start there, how can we excel in building connections?
How can anyone else understand me, if I don’t understand myself? Where are you at in that journey?
I realized time is the one thing we never get back, so I am always working hard to be sure to spend mine wisely and with those who matter most to me. This includes clients who are ready to invest and grow!
Everyone should be given the chance to be the hero of their own story!